Woof Woof Wednesday ??

Woof Woof ??
Woof Woof ??


Good morning y’all!

Wake up, get up, hug your dog.

Well today I really didn’t have a choice since my little co-pilot was actually walking across my legs and made it all the way to my face letting me know it was time to get up and hug him!

Now Riley doesn’t sleep in my bed every night ….. I know some of you probably don’t believe that ….. Ha!

It’s true ……. I’ve tried ………. but he doesn’t want to ……

It’s so funny when I think back about life before Riley ……. (I really don’t like thinking about it much) any who, I remember telling myself and my friends ….. no he will not sleep in my bed ……he has his own……

Oh well ….. people change …….. thank goodness!

A girl and her dog …….

Yes a girl and her dog are inseparable, a girl and her dog are BFF’s, a girl and her dog, yes he is her baby, a girl and her dog the love between them is too hard to explain.

Winter is almost here but you still need to be sure your dog gets plenty of exercise. Yeah, I live in Texas so it’s a lot easier than some places but no matter where you live,  you can find some fun and easy ways to keep your dog active, here are just a few to try …..

  • Play chase indoor, OMG,  Riley and I play chase all the time. And yes, at times I have to take some time out ….. just to catch my breath …… he would go on and on and on ??
  • If you have stairs, throw a toy up the stairs for a game of fetch ??
  • Try teaching him a new trick ??
  • Pull out your coat, gloves and his doggy sweater or coat and take him for a walk, even a short one ??
  • Check your area for dog-friendly retail stores or cafes ??
  • Visit a dog park, they are usually less crowded in the winter months ??

Of course some days will be a lot colder than others so,  please remember your pet safety tips too ……

  • Pets should not be left outside for an extended period of time ??
  • Dogs can lose their scent in the snow so be sure they always wear their ID tags ??
  • If you have a short-haired dog, consider getting him a coat or sweater to provide additional warmth (embrace outdoor apparel) ??
  • Wipe your dogs feet and tummy after coming in from snow or sleet to remove any chemicals or ice left on his paws ??
  • Be sure to have an area rug by the door, one that you don’t mind getting wet, I also keep a towel near by as well (you can put it in a basket or small container) ??
  • To help keep that wet doggy smell away, bathe your dog, just be sure to dry him thoroughly and remember frequent brushing helps remove loose hair and odors and be sure to use shampoo that keeps him from drying out ??
  • Be sure your little or big co-pilots have a their own blanket, Riley loves diving into his own blanket ??
  • Be sure to provide plenty of fresh water for your dog. Snow is not a suitable alternative, a dog get dehydrated in the winter too ??

These are just a few tips. If you take your dog out in the cold or snow, please be responsible. Even if your dog is wearing a coat, sweater or even booties, be sure to look for signs of exposure, wining, shivering, slowing down. Hey if your cold, they are too!

Riley was just a small little puppy last year but he was able to see and play in the snow  …… yes we get snow in Dallas.

Winter is cold but your furry four-legged family member still needs plenty of exercise and not just for their physical well-being but their psychological well-being too. Take him out for a walk or frolic in the snow for a bit and remember if the weather is just too inclement for both of you, have fun inside.

Nothing is more fun then having your bundle of joy next to you on the couch,  laying at your feet and all tucked in for a warm and cozy night!

This is my favorite blanket!!
Best Friends

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof ??

Let’s stay In, I’m good!

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