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Hi y’all. Of course it’s going to be a Wonderful Woof Woof Wednesday!
Just a dog ……. Oh Woof No!
As you know, I take my precious cargo, Riley to a local dog park. We have met so many nice people there and their wonderful little furry family members. We are so lucky, there is a really great dog park nearby, they have a small dog area and a large dog area right next to each other.
Now of course Riley the Scottie thinks he is a big dog ……… so sometimes he loves to run the fence-line with some of the large dogs. All I can say is thank goodness there is a fence separating them ……… The larger dogs are all friendly …….. but holy moly …… very large!
Everyone is so friendly at the dog park ……they are there for one purpose …. to give their pets some fun time and run around making new friends.
Whoever said ‘It’s just a dog, obviously never loved a dog’.
I love this quote I found on A place to love dogs,
God said I need somebody strong enough to pull sleds and find bombs yet gentle enough to love babies and lead the blind. Somebody who will spend all day on the couch with a resting head and supportive eyes to lift your spirits.
So God Made a Dog.
So yes, my Wednesday’s are always devoted to my little Riley and his best bro, Trigger too!
So before you head out, or when you get home ….. create some special time to hug your dog. And always always ……. kiss your dog goodnight.
Oh yeah, everyone is taught that angels have wings, the lucky ones of us find that they have 4 paws!
A friend sent this picture to me …….

Riley, Trigger and I send you love and kindness with sparkles. And of course we would love to hear from y’all, woof woof. ??