Woof Woof Y’all


Woof morning y’all!

Today’s blog is dedicated to my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie. And if some of you are thinking………oh boy another obsessed pet owner story. Then I say to you……..Yes Yes Yes…..so you can keep reading or stop, it’s up to you.

Riley is my Scottie dog…..yes he is my pet, my companion, my protector, my sidekick, my little ray of sunshine, my trouble maker (sometimes) but always part of my heart. If you read an earlier post then you know that I debated for quite some time about getting a puppy…..so,  I won’t go into the whole story but…………I can’t thank a couple of my friends enough who never….. ever…. ever…..gave up on the idea of me getting a puppy.

Of course they kept it real……They shared some funny and some not so funny stories about their little bundles of joy. And of course growing up, dogs were always part of our family. And yes, it breaks your heart when that day comes and they go to doggy heaven……… but you know what………they remain in your heart forever and you have so much love to give!

It’s amazing to me how much joy and love Riley has given me every day without fail. Of course I may not be thinking that at 5:30 am when he wakes me up from a dead sleep, Or when we are having one of our Texas size thunder storms and guess what….it’s time to go outside, Or better yet when I brag about how he is such a perfect little dog and I walk in with friends and you guessed it……little pieces of my favorite rug are stuck in his beard (I think he really thought if he ate all the evidence…. she won’t ever know)………Ha……

Well, thank goodness the puppyness….if you know what I mean,  is pretty much over. Riley will be one year old very soon and he is really a perfect little Scottie. Just never ever run of of chew toys……omg…….Since having Riley my new accessories are chew toys and you guess it…………..poop bags.  I never would have thought, that in a million years……I will leave the house without makeup or jewelry now……….but,  never without chew toys and yes……poop bags…. I even keep some in my car………Hey, just keeping it real……..lol…

I see tons of pictures of people’s pets dressed in costumes and little outfits…….they are so hilarious and mostly adorable. Now my little Riley has not ever worn a costume (not yet anyway) he does however have a few little winter sweaters…….hey, it does get cold in Dallas during the winter months………and I must say………(he does look adorable in them) in a big boy kinda way……….TeeHee!

Any who,  just about now your probably thinking…….see,  she is another obsessed dog owner….. well……..it’s okay……..I can so take it……I can so live with that……..

My home is filled with love for family and Riley is part of the family. My home is filled with kisses, a wagging tail and a wet nose.  My home is filled with lots of sunshine that comes from the love in Riley’s eyes. My home is full of foot prints and paw prints that will forever be felt in my heart.

Riley is not my whole life but Riley has reminded me of so many things about life and he doesn’t even know it……

  • We are here to be kind and help others
  • You do not have to be pawfect………just be there
  • Everyone makes mistakes……learn to forgive with no conditions
  • Take time out to enjoy life…..you are amazing
  • Look into the eyes of your loved ones and feel their souls
  • Don’t judge……just love
  • You can speak without saying a word……look into the eyes of your loved ones
  • Be loyal
  • Relish in the simple joy of fresh air and wind in your face
  • Always Always run and greet your loved ones when they come home
  • Take long walks in the park or neighborhood

So yes…….My dog is not a pet…….My dog is Family.

Now my little co-pilot has just reminded me that we need to end for today. He is so excited because his best friend, Trigger will be arriving soon!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and want you to make it a Pawfect Day!

And of course we would love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

Don't worry, I got this while my co-pilots are napping!
Don’t worry, I got this while my co-pilots are napping!

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