World Smile Day!

It’s Friday y’all!!!

And today is World Smile Day!

If you are waking up and you catch yourself saying……..What do I have to smile about today…..It’s been a long crazy week. I have deadlines to meet, calls to return and meeting after meeting to attend………

Well then you came to the right girl…..teehee!

  • Smile – you are Sex!y!
  • Smile – you are Mighty!
  • Smile – you are  Important!
  • Smile – you are a Leader!
  • Smile – you have Exceptional talents!

That’ right……You are a sexy, mighty, important leader with exceptional talents! Go ahead, repeat it….say it out loud. I am a  SEXY MIGHTY IMPORTANT LEADER with EXCEPTIONAL  Talents. Now believe it and smile….warm your soul. Be the leader in your life!  Keep smiling……and warm someone else’s soul today. Be a leader in their life!

Now if you are sitting there and are not buying all this smiling stuff………Get up, Get Moving!  Look in the mirror one last time and repeat;  I am a Sexy Mighty Important Leader with Exceptional Talents.  Whether you are off to work, school, running errands…..Whatever is on your agenda for today, do it with a Smile. I dare you, say good morning to your partner and smile, kiss your partner and smile, kiss your puppy and smile, wave to a stranger and smile, open the door for a co-worker and smile.

Be that Sexy Mighty Important Leader with Exceptional talents today. Share your smile, warm the souls around you!  It will warm your Soul!

Oh yeah….. I can’t leave without telling you about our little adventure yesterday. Riley and I went to a dog park. We met some new friends! In particular, Riley met a very nice new friend……Her name……Binky! I wonder if that is why he has been smiling all morning…..

Riley the Smiley Scottie!
Riley the Smiley Scottie!

Smile for yourself, Smile for your family, Smile for your friends, Smile for the World!!

Love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

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