Wow, Congratulations Dallas Mavericks

Wow, Congratulations Dallas Mavericks
Well, that was an exciting game to watch, for sure.
That old feeling when I am filled with excitement and yes even anxiety watching our home-team in a big game.
I couldn’t sit still. The Mavericks were looking so good and yet, it’s not over till its over which made it a fun game to watch!
I was hoping to see the eclipse last night and all of a sudden as I walked outside the skies were cloudy and thunderstorms were near so that was a little disappointing.
And then, ‘oh well’, this game is just too good.
And now in just 3 days …… the finals.
Go Mavericks!
And talk about a double-play. I was hoping the Dallas Stars would win out in their series, however, their season is over after OT last night.
Oh, but there is a little extra giddy-up in my step this morning!
Waking up after thunderstorms last night, the air feels cooler and everything is fresh and clean. We needed the rain, not sure how much we ended up getting but the grass and trees are looking very happy.
And as Riley and I enjoy our morning on the patio, nothing but blue blue skies above and the love of God all around.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie