Yippee….Sunday All Day Long!!


Good Morning Y’all!!

It’s Sunday………all day long……Yippee. I love Sundays……..hope  you do too. I know I know…….some of you probably have a full agenda on Sunday……hopefully you can take  some time on this Sunday to be with family.

So much to do………whether you are off to church….finding a quiet corner to say your affirmations….off to a sporting event…..brunch with your partner………a little golf time…..visiting a sick friend or family member…….trying out that new restaurant with mom and dad……..watching a little football……..walking the dog………be sure to take time today to warm the souls around you.

Now if anyone out there is saying I live alone, now what……

Sunday is a perfect day to stay in…..watch some old movies or a new one…….order in……..take a long long long bath….bake some cup cakes……or pumpkin bread…….try out a new restaurant…….by myself you might be saying………Heck Yeah………If you have never gone out to eat by yourself…….omg……try it…………It can be so delightful!  Now you can always take a book or the Sunday paper to read…….or just be……..and order a Mimosa……….Oh yeah…..now your getting it………

Sunday is a great day to make that pot of chili…..chicken noodle soup…….grilled cheese sandwich…….and then top it off…….. by baking some pumpkin bread……….It’s Sunday! Oh yeah……you probably have read from an earlier post…..my family loves to eat……… So whatever type of food your family likes…….make Sunday the day you share love and kindness with each other and what better way to do it then cooking up some of your favorite recipes with them.

If your family is not near you, be sure to call them……Sunday is a day to say I love you. Warm the souls of your love ones…..warm your soul. Spread kindness to all you see today….it’s Sunday……..

Now go out there and enjoy your Sunday!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

Co-Pilots, Rile & Trigger
Rile & Trigger

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