You Are The Boss!!!


Good morning y’all!

Yes,  today is National Boss’s Day!

I have had some great boss’s in my life. I have also had some,  that were not that great,  but you know what……I have always believed, that you can take away something from everyone you meet (or in this case work with). So what do you take away from a bad boss……lots……like things that you would not do or ways that you would not act……it’s that simple. But I won’t spend time talking about bad things………they are in the past and if they are not in the past for you……get busy………

Instead I want to talk about the Greatest Boss…… You!……Let me repeat that…..You!!!

  • Be the Boss of your life.
  • Be the Commander-in-Chief of your life.
  • Be the Captain of your vessel of your life.
  • Be the Owner of company, You LLC.
  • Be the President of the union of your life.
  • Be the Leader of your life.
  • Be the Buck Stops Here of your life.
  • Be a Teacher, Mentor, Confidant of your life.
  • Be the Adventurer of your life.

Be the Greatest Boss of your life……….Don’t take things for granted, show love and kindness to others, share the warmth of your soul.

Be the kind of boss you want to work for, be the kind of boss you would brag about, be the kind of boss that you would hug. Yes hug…… the kind of boss they write about!!!

So Happy Boss’s Day to You!

Of course I do have my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie sitting next to me this morning and he does think he is the boss…….(well he sorta is) so it’s time to end for today.

Oh yeah…..his best friend Trigger is staying with us for a few days…….so I have two little co-pilots giving me love and sunshine to warm my soul!

We send you love and kindness and would love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

My Other Boss's !!
My Other Boss’s !!

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