You Make Me Want To Sing Sunday

You make me want to sing Sunday!

You know when Sunday service moves you so much that you cry happy tears and want to sing, sing and sing all day!
Yep, the Holy Spirit is welcomed; in my home, my heart and wherever I am. I most definitely feel him deep in my soul.

No, not just on Sundays.
And although I speak and more importantly listen to Him everyday, there is something about starting each new week being reminded just how important I am and how important He is in my life.
He reminds me and I believe.
I keep asking for guidance and he never stops providing.
I always want to be in the present and try my hardest to not dwell in the past and yet I know the many lessons I have learned brought me this far …… which I believe is why I am so open to experience the new!
In all the forms that may come.
Because I believe.

Oh, I understand how precious life is, which makes each day a gift to cherish. Like my morning walk today with Riley, enjoying the cool breeze that will be ushering in rain this afternoon, to my morning prayer time, to singing, singing and some more singing on this glorious Sunday.
I was talking with a friend and we both agreed, we hate the word anti-aging. Heck, aging is a natural process, (we cannot stop) and the more I think about it, I wouldn’t want to. Aging is truly a gift. Of course aging with good health is even better.
And I want to do whatever it takes to age well; eat healthy, exercise and find joy in everyday.
I know aging has so many benefits; perspective: realizing I am getting older and still wanting to learn new things to expand my knowledge, prayer/meditation time: taking time to quiet my mind and not think about the past or future.
So yeah, I am old (er) and am thankful for each new day. I believe no matter what happens, I will continue to have faith and hope and sing, sing and sing!
I gotta run now, I owe Riley another dance to our favorite song!
Sunday blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for the small things, the big things and mostly for this new day. Amen.