Yúgen Tuesday

Yúgen Tuesday

You know it’s never too late to start something new or even start over. The universe speaks to me all the time. And I listen!
It was so fun last nite putting away many of my Pumpkins inside the house and from out on the patio. Oh I still have plenty of Fall decor out but since the World Series was postponed, it was the perfect time to do a little un-decorating.
Before Christmas decorating starts, there’s a few weeks of neutral and calming all around. Yep, I said it …… Christmas! It’s one of my favorite times of the year and doesn’t last long, which probably why it’s so special.
Thank goodness; the sun comes up and the sun goes down. We can’t turn time back, (well for an hour soon) ugh.
And so as the seasons come and go and the weather changes, there is one thing that never will change …… how important I (you) are to God.
I saw the first red cardinal of the season on the fence top this morning, wow so beautiful! I am standing strong. I talked to Jesus this morning and gave thanks. Oh, I keep him very busy!

He provides my worth and identity. He has a place in our home and in my heart. You know the feeling; no chains, no regrets, no stains – redemption. The overwhelming feeling of freedom.
It’s what makes me want to get up each day, enjoy my quiet time, make a healthy breakfast and spend time with Riley. Well of course a nice walk in the neighborhood is on our agenda too.
My My, time is flying by. It seems like it wasn’t long ago when I was swimming and now its cozy time as our nights are getting cooler. And soon, turkey and dressing will consume my thoughts!
Well I am a foodie girl, for sure.
Guess thats why Riley and I are a perfect match. A mention of biscuits and the boy acts like he has been starving all day.
And I must confess, my eyes light up on nights when I slice up a piece of my pumpkin bread.
Thank goodness for Fall!
So yeah, another glorious day for us here in Texas. Blue skies, sun shining and temperatures that are definitely worth bragging about!
So go out and be kind to …… everyone. And be kind to yourself. Self love is so underrated.
It’s Yúgen Tuesday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for filling my home and my heart with your love. Amen.